5 Easy Steps to Calculate Calories and Macros for Recipes on MyFitnessPal

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Using any recipe on the internet, or your own, you can calculate the calories and macros easily for the entire recipe using MyFitnessPal

How to Best use MyFitnessPal to upload Recipes

Using a new platform, like MyFitnessPal to track recipes can sometimes be confusing. I’m going to show you the easiest and quickest way to record your favorite recipes on MyFitnessPal so you have the calories and macro counts for tracking. (to calculate the macros you need, check out my macro calculator)

One of the best ways to utilize MyFitnessPal is to be sure and input all foods. This can be done by scanning bar codes, manually entering specific foods and uploading favorite recipes. I say specific foods because each food, can drastically change nutrition facts depending on the variety and brand of food.

Uuploading recipes to MyFitnessPal in 5 easy steps.

Be sure to have an account set up and open. (They are free, if you stick with the standard plan).

  1. Once you have opened your account, at the top of the page click on the “FOOD” tab. Once that pops up, select “Recipes“. As you continue, it will bring up a page called, Recipe Importer and Your Recipe Box.

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Save Recipe
  1. Under “Recipe Importer” you can either enter a recipe via URL or Add Recipe Manually. If manually, type your recipe up just like you would if you are writing it down. Use all the measurements. Be sure to fill in how many servings the recipe makes.
  1. Click the Match Ingredients – Check all your ingredients. Be sure each of them match the specific brand that you use to make the recipe. (Remember- This is important because depending on the brand, nutrients can change drastically).
  1. Once finished click  “Save or Save and Add it”, if you are using it that day. Now you can see that your recipe has been added to “Your Recipe Box”. This recipe will now be saved to your account and you can use it whenever you would like.
  1. Lastly, one of the best things about MyFitness Pal is that once the recipe has been created you can see all of the nutrition facts by clicking on the recipe. This will go in to your days total and will help to calculate your macronutrient intake for the day.

Now to make it all your own, you can add pictures of the recipe to make it more fun as well as type in the steps of the recipe. That way it is all stored together and you can track them by using MyFitness Pal.

What are some of your favorite “Macro Friendly” recipes for dinner?


Easy simple steps for calculating calories and macros with myfitnesspal

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