5 Weight Loss Podcasts that Kept Me Motivated to Lose 20lbs

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Although sometimes I try to exercise to music, it’s more often that I’ve got podcasts in my ear that keep me motivated during my workouts. It’s truly one of my favorite pastimes! There’s just so many good podcasts that can delivery information about weight loss and the motivation to not quit, all in one episode!

But, if you do a google search for weight loss podcasts (or even an in-app search), I have found half of them aren’t actively publishing, and the other half are just boring! Which can be frustrating.

But, there are at least 5 podcasts I’ve been listening to for a good portion of the last 5 years. These weight loss podcasts were so important to help me stay motivated to lose weight. Not only have they been around a long time, they consistently publish new episodes, so you are constantly being motivated.

(See the Bikini prep podcasts I listened to for my bikini show motivation here.)

So, here’s my favorite weight loss podcasts!

  1. Primal Potential– I don’t think there is anyone else on this entire planet that has been podcasting for as long, and with as much consistency as Elizabeth Benton in The Primal Potential. But don’t let the name deter you. It probably started as a primal way of eating in the beginning, but it’s so much more than that. Hands down, she was INSTRUMENTAL in changing my entire mindset around losing weight. She opened my eyes to how important it was to ask yourself questions, and reflect WHY you are eating so much (An example of my favorite overeating question here!!). With over 1200 episodes, you can start from the beginning and never run out of content to listen to.
  2. Losing 100 pounds with Corinne (The No BS Weight Loss). If you like tough love, or NEED some tough love, Corinne is your girl! She holds nothing back. She takes you through her journey of turning her life around and losing 100 lbs. She has solo episodes where she shares her best advice, and interviews where she doesn’t let her guests use excuses for staying stuck. I LOVE her raw and real dialogues.
  3. Calorie Deficit University Podcast by Lex Babb- I listened to this faithfully, for at least a year. Then, for some reason unsubscribed, and now I don’t know why I did. I just went back and she’s actively sharing episodes, so I re-subscribed! She has such episodes like:
  4. Optimal Protein with Vanessa Spina– This one is more of a science of protein and weight loss chat, than a casual conversation. However, Vanessa is really good at interviewing smart researchers, and distilling the information to be understandable. Her big message here is how prioritizing protein makes it easier to lose weight. It’s REALLY good!! Don’t let the fact that her online persona is “keto girl” get in your way. She really isn’t following full keto now. She does however enjoy high protein, and intermittent fasting.
  5. Half Size Me with Heather Robertson. To say Heather is inspiring is an understatement! At her heaviest weight, she was over 300 lbs! But what I like best about her podcast, is she’s been able to maintain her weight loss and she talks about how she does it.

There are a bunch more podcasts I’ve subscribed to in the past, but haven’t consistently listened to. These are in my podcast app, but I rarely listen to them because they either don’t actively publish something, or their episode titles never grab my attention  (clearly I was struggling with binge eating when I put these in my list.. lol)

  1. Binge Eating to Food Freedom – Katie Papo She isn’t currently publishing new episodes but the old ones were good. She talks about Freedom from compulsive Overeating! She’s pretty wise and articulate at describing how I felt when I couldn’t stop overeating.
  2. Weight loss made real podcast– Cookie Rosenblum- She publishes regularly, and I like her style. I don’t relate 100% to the food issues she chats about, but it’s overall a solid podcast!
  3. Metflex & Chill with Rachel Gregory- I used to LOVE this one. But she launched a new podcast with a friend, and it’s just not the same to me. The old episodes are great about metabolic flexibility and weight loss.
  4. The stop binge eating podcast by Kirstin Sarfde- She publishes regularly and I still subscribe. I guess I didn’t put her in the top 5 because I haven’t been listening to podcasts specifically about binging for at least 6 months.

The last few, I actually have in my podcast app, but I can’t even recall listening to them. So, I won’t speak to their quality or not.

  1. You can Drop It
  2. Burn it Nutrition
  3. Brain over binge
  4. The binge eating dietitian podcast
  5. Breaking up with Binge Eating
  6. How to Stop Binge Eating podcast

These podcasts have helped me stay consistent, learn new strategies, and shift my mindset towards a healthier and more balanced approach to weight loss. Whether you’re just starting your journey or need ongoing motivation, I’m sure these shows will inspire you as much as they’ve inspired me. Happy listening!

I’d love to hear what podcasts that keep you motivated that you like!

5 Weight loss podcasts that motivated me to lose 20 lbs sq

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