Latest Built Bar Nutrition, Flavors, Calories and Macros 2022

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Get the most recent reviews on Built Bar Nutrition, flavors, macros, weight watchers points, photos, ingredients, labels, pricing, and which bars are worth the hype!

As far as protein bars go, I haven’t been able to find a normal size bar, that’s under 200 calories, and tastes as good as a Built Bar. And I’ve been looking! Any other protein bar that shows it’s under 200 calories, is either a mini-sized bar, or the manufacturer is subtracting the calories from fake fibers to get a nutrition profile that doesn’t add up.

If I’m going to eat a bar, I want all the calories to be on the label. And, Built does that. Plus, they taste great. I have eaten a Built Bar almost every day for the last 2 years, and it helped me get to my lowest weight during my last bikini prep. I never feel like I’m giving up a treat.

Calories & macros for Current Built Bars, Puffs, and Granola Bars

On November 14th, Built Bar released 5 new flavors, all at once. They started selling today, Cookie Dough bar, coconut brownie bar, candy cane brownie bar, Candy cane brownie puff, and a white chocolate granola peppermint bar. Below are the calories and macros for each bar. Click on the bar to jump to the ingredients and a peak at the inside!

If you’re in the market to purchase Built Bars on their home site, I have an affiliate promo code for 10% off: HEALTHBEET

Bar FlavorCaloriesProteinCarbsFat
Cookie Dough Bar16015244
Coconut Brownie Bar16015244.5
Candy Cane Brownie Bar14017162.5
Candy Cane Brownie Puff15017162.5
White Chocolate Peppermint Granola15015233
Snickerdoodle Puff16015184
Birthday Cake Puff15016153
Red Velvet Puff14016142.5

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Ingredients, pricing, and inside photos

Most of the bars currently on the side are sold by a case of 12, for 29.99, making the bars, $2.50 each. You can get them on Amazon, Walmart, for the same price, but they don’t have the same variety of bars.

Built Bar Birthday Cake Puff

My favorite bar right now!! Hooray for a white chocolate for now.

Inside Built bar Birthday Cake Puff

Built Bar Red Velvet Puff

Here’s the inside of the red velvet puff. I really thought it was going to have white chocolate on the outside. Still tastes good, but would be SO MUCH BETTER with White chocolate!

Inside Built Bar Red Velvet Puff
  • Taste: One of the most popular Built Bars is the Cookie Dough Bar. This bar has a strip of cookie dough down the center covered with chocolate.
  • Price: The Cookie dough Built Bar retails for $2.50 per bar.
  • Nutrition info: The cookie dough Built bar has 160 calories, 15 grams protein, 24 g carbs, and 4 grams fat
  • Ingredients: Protein blend (Hydrolyzed whey protein isolate, collage peptides), Cookie Dough (Gluten free flour: White rice flour, potato starch, tapioca starch, whole sorghum flour, brown rice flour, whole quinoa flour, xanthan gum), brown sugar, palm kernel oil with soy lecithin, glycerin, sugar, water, mini semisweet chocolate chips (sugar, chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, milkfat, soy lecithin, vanilla), dark chocolate (sugar, chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, milkfat, soy lecithin, vanilla), digestion resistant maltodextrin, glycerin, erythritol, gelatin, natural flavors, citric acid, nonfat dry milk or cultured dextrose.
Cookie Dough Built Bar inside with coupon code healthbeet

Coconut Brownie Built Bar

  • Taste: Coconut flavored bar with a strip of brownie on top, covered in chocolate.
  • Price: The Coconut Brownie bar retails for $2.50 per bar.
  • Nutrition info: This coconut brownie bar is 160 calories, with 15 grams of protein, 23 grams carbs, and 4.5 grams of fat.
  • Ingredients for Coconut Brownie Built Bar: Protein blend (whey protein isolate, partially hydrolyzed whey protein isolate), Brownie Batter (gluten free flour (white rice flour, potato starch, tapioca starch, whole sorghum flour, brown rice flour, whole quinoa flour, Xanthan gum) brown sugar, palm kernel oil with soy lecithin, glycerin, sugar, water, cocoa powder, natural flavors, xanthan gum, salt, dark chocolate (sugar, chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, milkfat, soy lecithin, vanilla), water, digestion resistant maltodextrin, glycerin, erythritol, gelatin, citric acid, natural flavors, nonfat dry milk or cultured dextrose)
coconut brownie built bar with calories and macros with coupon code healthbeet

Candy Cane Brownie Bar

This is a new bar, released November 2022 I’m guessing for the holiday season.

  • Taste: The Candy Cane Brownie Built bar tastes like a chocolate brownie with pieces of candy cane mixed in.
  • Price: The bar retails for $2.50 per bar, when you buy a box of 12.
  • Nutrition Info: 140 calories, 17g protein, 16g carbs, 2.5 g fat
  • The ingredients for the Candy cane Built bar: Protein Blend (whey protein isolate, partially hydrolyzed why protein isolate), Dark Chocolate (sugar, chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, milkfat, soy lecithin, vanilla), water, digestion resistant maltodextrin, glycerin, erythritol, crushed candy cane (cane sugar, corn syrup, peppermint oil, red 40), cocoa powder, gelatin, natural flavors, nonfat dry milk or cultured dextrose, citric acid.
candy cane brownie built bar with calories and macros discount code healthbeet

Candy Cane Brownie Puff Built Bar

This one was DELICIOUS!!

  • Taste: A minty, rich chocolate puff- that tastes like a York peppermint patty to me!
  • Price: $2.50 each, when purchasing a box of 12.
  • Nutrition info: 170 calories, 17 g protein, 16 g carbs, and 2.5 grams of fat.
  • Ingredients: Premium collagen protein blend (Partially hydrolyzed whey protein isolate, collagen peptides), dark chocolate (sugar, chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, milkfat, soy lecithin, vanilla), glycerin, water, crushed candy cane (cane sugar, corn syrup, peppermint oil, red 40) sugar, gelatin, cocoa powder, natural flavors, nonfat dry milk, or cultured dextrose.
candy cane brownie puff built bar with calories and macros

White chocolate Granola Peppermint Built Bar

Officially, my FAVORITE Bar! I’m not really sure why it’s a “granola bar”. It’s certainly not like any granola bar I’ve ever eaten. But, it’s VERY good! I love all white chocolate bars anyway, but this is the best!

  • Taste: Again, so yummy. White chocolate covered candy cane bar.
  • Price: $2.50 per bar when you buy a box of 12.
  • Nutrition Info: 150 calories, 15 grams protein, 23 grams carbs, and 3 grams of fat.
  • Ingredients: Protein blend (Whey protein isolate, partially hydrolyzed whey protein isolate), protein granola clusters (whole grain oats, soy crisps, textured soy flour, sugar), white chocolate (sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa butter, soy lecithin, vanilla), water, digestion resistant maltodextrin, erythritol, glycerin, crushed candy cane (cane sugar, corn syrup, peppermint oil, Red 40), Gelatin, natural flavors, citric acid, nonfat dry milk or cultured dextrose.
white chocolate peppermint granola built bar with calories and macros and coupon code (Custom)

Snickerdoodle Puff

  • Taste: Chocolate on the outside with little chunks of snickerdoodle dough covered in white chocolate. This would have tastes better to have the entire bar in white chocolate instead of dark chocolate.
  • Price: $2.50 per bar when you buy a box of 12. (available October 2022)
  • Nutrition Info: 160 calories, 15 grams protein, 18 grams carbs, and 4 grams of fat.
  • Ingredients: Protein blend (Whey protein isolate, partially hydrolyzed whey protein isolate), white chocolate (sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa butter, soy lecithin, vanilla), water, digestion resistant maltodextrin, erythritol, glycerin, Gelatin, natural flavors, citric acid, nonfat dry milk or cultured dextrose.
snickerdoodle built bar (Custom)

Where to buy Built Bars

The best place is to get them on Built Bar’s website. They are the same price as retail, and they have more flavor options. They sell limited flavors at Costco, Sam’s Club, GNC, Amazon, Walmart, Harmon’s, and some Gas stations.

Built bars- reviews calories macros pricing ingredient lists and more thumbnail

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